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Our Team.

We are a collective of passionate advocates, each with out own distinct talents, joining forces to help you align you health and wellness goals and outcomes.

My Story

Becoming a patient advocate was never something I planned for, but life had its own plans for me. It all started when my sister, Sarah, was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer at the young age of 34. The shock that reverberated through our family was indescribable. We had already faced the battles of breast cancer and nonhodgkins lymphoma during a pregnancy in our family. It felt like a never-ending rollercoaster of emotions for everyone in my family. And my brothers-in-law and parents all had responsibilities to the kids who weren’t at ages to comprehend cancer and loss, let alone have this play on repeat. 

In the midst of uncertainty, I found my purpose. I became my sister’s advocate, her support system and she gave me purpose. I was fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time, preventing the administration of incorrect chemotherapy. This confirmed deep in my soul that I was doing what I trained and worked decades for, not as a pharmacist or med student, but as an advocate. I was there by her side, reading to her and keeping her company during the long stays in the hospital. And when it was time to give my nieces a taste of normalcy, I took them to Walt Disney World, a place literally called fantasy land where moms were free from cancer for the day, where it was alright to smile and laugh and enjoy their childhoods.

Sarah, my sister, was given a daunting 14% chance of surviving the next 5 years at the time of her diagnosis. Yet, here we are, six years later. We’ve learned to set a combination of realistic and ideal goals. This way we hold tightly onto hope and celebrate all the milestones. The journey is far from over, and sometimes, we can’t see the road ahead. But that’s where the beauty lies – having someone by your side, picking up the fight when exhaustion takes hold or other priorities demand attention. That torch we hold to light the way for each other is the Healing Light.

Being a patient advocate has taught me the true power of unconditional love and unwavering support. It means putting the patient’s wishes and priorities first. When I asked Sarah about sharing this story, she agreed as long as I mentioned about listening to your gut and body, regardless of age. At her initial appointment, she told her she was too young to have a serious cancer. Get tested! It has shown me that even in the face of adversity, miracles can happen. And most importantly, it has reminded me that together, we are stronger. So here's to my sister, to every patient out there fighting their own battles, and to the advocates who stand by their side. 

If you or a loved one would benefit from working with a patient advocate, contact me at Healing Light Advocacy.

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As the founder of Healing Light Advocacy, my goal is to make your journey as a patient as easy as possible. With decades of experience working in the healthcare system, as a sister to a cancer patient, and as a patient myself, I've seen firsthand the challenges that patients face. I'm here to be a guiding and healing light, to help you navigate the healthcare system and make informed decisions about your care. You don't have to go through this alone, and I'm here to support you every step of the way.

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My heart is drawn to advocacy. I refresh my understanding of advocacy and find one definition is to plead on behalf of others and to speak in favor of others. This brings me to Ram Dass and the idea of walking each other home.

In my life journey thus far, I have learned we are better together. I have learned that the phrase I’ve heard throughout my growing up is true, “It takes a village”. 

When life gets hard we often feel alone. Big changes and impactful decisions can feel daunting and impossible. 

I can say that as my life unraveled, unknowingly for the better, I felt incredibly lost and alone. In my efforts to build a more joyful and meaningful life for myself, I have learned grace, compassion, forgiveness and gratitude. A deeper appreciation for this human existence and experience.

In every bit of hurt and loss I found myself in, at the end I have been able to look back with gratitude for lessons learned and for those that showed up for me. 

In supporting my family through physical and emotional healing, I have recognized that we are all strong and that we can all lose sight of that strength when things get tough. A kind voice, a genuine hug, a reassuring glance can all ease us back to center in a way that we can continue.

We are beautifully human and we are stronger together.

My mission in life has become Love. I aim to show up in all moments my best Self, with an open mind and open heart. I am here to walk alongside those in need of a tender presence and a reminder of their strength.

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My journey to advocacy comes from my own personal experiences helping loved ones facing difficult medical decisions. When I was in my early twenties, my mother started displaying symptoms of what would later be
described as atypical MS. As I followed her from doctor appointment to doctor appointment, I noticed a lack of understanding and cohesiveness in her care. The typical pattern of seeing your primary physician and then being sent to a specialist made it seem like we were close to finding the right answer and treatment. After a year, we were seen by 9 neurologists with neither. One doctor even said to her, “You look fine! Come back when you can’t walk and maybe then I can help you.” My mom was doing everything possible to find out what was wrong to obtain arresting treatment because she wanted to get treatment BEFORE she was unable to walk, but at this point she was worn down and frustrated. No diagnosis, means no treatment, so I began reading all the notes from her previous office visits, because I too was searching for understanding and a diagnosis. Often times there is more information to be found, than what you take away from the office visit. There, I found something that offered a clue which simply said, cannot rule out Multiple Sclerosis.


It’s my belief you know your body best, and when something isn’t right you just keep searching for answers but what happens if you don’t find anything or hit a dead end? Do you give up? This disconnect wasn’t anyone’s fault, but the medical system can sometimes be hard to navigate, hard to get the right answers and when you are experiencing a

medical issue you don’t always have the energy to fight or get the support you need. Through a thorough review of all the notes, the tests, and the criteria for getting treatment for this particular disease, I discovered she was atypical in her presentation of MS, and that is why she still wasn’t
diagnosed as having MS. This diagnosis and getting to the right practitioner was critical to getting someone from the medical profession to listen and be willing to give us alternative treatment options. I truly believe the reason my mom is alive and living independently today at 78, is
because I was there to help her bridge the gaps, find the answers, and get the timely diagnosis, so she could begin treatment. If you need help understanding, someone who can listen and navigate the information and help you make tough decisions regarding your health you have come to
the right place!

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