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What We Offer

What We Offer

What We Offer

Medical Billing Management 

At Healing Light Advocacy, we offer you Medical Billing Management Services to help you take control over your medical bills. Many people, including our advocates and families, receive medical bills in the mail before they are even discharged from the hospital. We understand that once the brain fog starts to lift after receiving a diagnosis, the stress and frustration of bills accumulating can be overwhelming. We are here to help. 

What We Offer

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We have a dedicated and experienced team when it comes to understanding medical billing. Our medical billing advocates are experienced pharmacists, nurses and medical coders that have worked as communicators between insurance companies and provider's offices for over 30 years. They understand what documentation is required in order to receive payment and what is usual and customary in terms of charges. They can quickly identify red flags. One of our individual advocates has saved patients over $900,000 in inaccurate charges. 

Why choose us?


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