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Corporate   Services

At Healing Light Advocacy, we are dedicated to providing compassionate support and advocacy for patients navigating the healthcare system. We offer our services to corporations to enhance their premier level benefit services for their employees, providing invaluable assistance to those experiencing a medical crisis. Our team is passionate about helping patients and their families understand their healthcare options and ensuring they receive the highest quality care.

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Individual Employee Services

We understand that navigating the healthcare system can be daunting and overwhelming, especially during a health crisis. That's where we come in. Our individual advocacy services are tailored to your specific needs, whether it's managing medical records, scheduling appointments, or helping you through the hospitalization process. Our team of experts is skilled in guiding you through the intricacies of the healthcare system, so you can focus on your recovery.


Corporate Wellness Programs

We are committed to promoting wellness and safety in the workplace. Our programs focus on preventative care, mental health support, and education to empower employees to prioritize their health and well-being. We specialize in creating tailored corporate wellness programs that meet the specific needs of each employer and their employees. We work with the company's health insurance provider analyzing the value-based care initiatives, helping employees become healthier and lowering health insurance costs. Our integrated solutions deliver immediate value. Invest in your employees’ health and your company’s success by partnering with us today.


Speaking Events

As patient advocates, we know that navigating the healthcare system can be difficult. That's why we're committed to providing our clients with education and empowerment to take control of their health. From speaking engagements to wellness workshops, our team is equipped to provide you with the necessary tools to become your own advocate. We offer a variety of resources, including tips for staying healthy, information on how to make informed decisions about your healthcare, understand insurance issues and guidance on navigating the healthcare system.


Professional Retreats

Sometimes a weekend break just isn't enough. We offer a range of services to support those experiencing burnout, including customized retreats in Alaska. Our retreats are designed with your well-being in mind, offering a variety of activities to help you relax and recharge. From exploring the Alaskan wilderness under the Northern Lights, to fishing and cooking fresh-caught salmon, or touring the area's abundant wildlife by land or sea, we have a wellness getaway tailored to your needs.

Get in Touch

Click now to schedule a free consultation call to see how we can work together!

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